I’m back in action! My abscence from posting has not only been due to months of laziness, but also that when I actually went to make this post weeks ago WordPress and/or prophoto was giving me all sorts of problems and wouldn’t let my post images as I like them. It would let me post them in all sorts of other ways, but I’m stubborn. Turns out I’m so stubborn that I didn’t read the instructions it was giving me to make some updates. Think it’s all settled and I should be good to go now!
I’ve got about a year worth of posting to do, but I’ll start it off with Anand and Layla’s wedding from Kota Bahru a few months back. Super fun evening (the guys from Koh Lanta are always fun), except poor Anand got dengue and had to make an escape from the hospital to attend his own wedding dinner!